About Us | Black Yak

About Black Yak

After living and working in Asia for several years Black Yak was born out of a desire to try to improve the life of our friends and neighbours there and a belief in ‘deeds, not words’. We realised that we were fortunate to have so much and others worked so hard to have so very little.  We are all part of this amazing planet that we call home and if we would not live and work in such conditions for so little, why should we expect others to?

Black Yak supplies high quality and stylish clothing and crafts from around the world and is very proud to be recognised by BAFTS, The British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers, as a Fair Trade importer, wholesaler and retailer. Our ethos is to buy only honestly, fairly and ethically produced goods from our producer partners, with whom we work closely to ensure that they earn an honest wage, not just in the busy times but throughout the whole year, that they have safe and pleasant working conditions and that they are able to look forward to a better future. To find out more about our Fair Trade policy click here

Black Yak